Resources & Services

Our Center offers resources and services to meet a variety of research needs. These resources and services are available to the SDSU, SDSU-IV, and SDSU Research Foundation research communities and our partner organizations through cost recovery services. Download or view our complete service catalog HERE 

Research Services

These services are offered at a cost. For additional information about where our research services will be located, visit our Alvarado Facilities webpage.

Biomedical Methods

This group can assist researchers by providing information about biospecimen (for example, saliva and blood) collection, processing, storage and analysis services. Complete our intake form to request a quote today.

Health Data Analytic

This group can assist researchers with developing methods for data management and data sharing, generating estimated sample sizes and analytic plans for grant applications, and analyzing existing data. Complete our intake form to request a quote today.

Health Sensor Methods

 This group can assist researchers with wireless, wearable and ambient sensor technology for data collection and intervention research, as well as the development of mobile applications. Complete our intake form to request a quote today.

Measurement Methods

This group can assist researchers in selecting technologies for their data collection (both quantitative and qualitative), identifying surveys for their research, and providing referrals for translation of surveys for other language groups. Among the technologies available through the Center, include: ilumivu for Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA), Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap Cloud) for survey and other types of data collection, Qualtrics for survey data collection, and Teleform services for data entry.

Intervention Methods

This group can assist researchers seeking to develop new or adapt evidence-based interventions for different populations and settings, including through the use of qualitative research methods such as focus groups and interviews. This group also can assist researchers seeking to plan for dissemination and sustainability of evidence-based intervention. Complete our intake form to request a quote today.

HLINK IT Server Support

This service provides secure and HIPAA-compliant data storage, user access management, data processing and analysis software implementation, and file transfer support for minority health, health disparities, and other studies involving protected data, i.e. medical records, identifiable health information. Complete our intake form to request a quote today.

Clinical Research

This service provides support for on-site clinical research studies performing clinical and behavioral studies involving human subjects, including study participant check-in, clinical exam room and equipment set up and coordination, and the administration of IRB-approved clinical and behavioral tests, including CLIA waived tests for HIV, HCV, COVID-19, pregnancy, and glucose. Complete our intake form to request a quote today.



Physical Assessment Training and Support

The Dual X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) Scan service assists researchers seeking to measure body composition and bone health for minority health, health disparities, and other studies. The Physical Assessment and Training service assists researchers seeking to collect human body measurements (blood pressure, height, weight, waist etc), calculate cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness, and physical activity using evidence-based protocols. Complete our intake form to request a quote today.